
What is Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is a cosmetic treatment in which dead skin cells and vellus hair (peach fuzz) are exfoliated off with a scalpel by a licensed professional.   While dermaplaning removes fine facial hairs, the procedure differs from shaving in terms of the tools used, the amount of skin removed, and the person performing the procedure.  

Benefits of Dermaplaning

The benefits of dermaplaning depend on your skin type, tone, medical history, and the quality of the professional performing your dermaplaning. 

The benefits of dermaplaning are cosmetic and may include:

  • Brighter more youthful skin tone

  • Removal of vellus hair or peach fuzz

  • Reducing fine lines and wrinkles

  • Smoother skin

  • Ease hyperpigmentation

  • Evening skin tone

  • Removing bacteria and clearing pores to limit breakouts

  • Removing deep scars from acne or pox

Dermaplaning Procedure

During your dermaplaning session, a scalpel gently glides along your skin at a 45-degree angle to exfoliate your skin and remove hair. The length of your dermaplaning session depends upon how much area is covered. A facial session typically takes 30 minutes but can last up to an hour.