Tattoo Removal

Laser tattoo removal is the only safe and effective method of removing pigment from the skin while keeping the surrounding skin safe. Tattoo removal is a process of eliminating or fading unwanted tattoos from the skin. With our Chrome Laser we use highly concentrated light energy to the skin in quick pulses. With each pulse, the tattoo ink particles trapped in the dermal layer of skin absorb the energy and instantly shatter. The fragment ink is then removed naturally by the body’s immune system over the next several weeks, making the tattoo fade in appearance. Tattoo removal treatments may require multiple sessions to achieve the desired results, as tattoos are designed to be permanent. Typically you will need 3-8 sessions to reach desired results.

Tattoo removal at Beauty Bar & Wellness involves customized treatment plans for every patient and every tattoo. Whether the tattoo needs to be fully removed or only faded, we can help!

Appointment Planning

A consultation is required prior to treatment. In some cases treatment can be done after the consultation in the same appointment.

Sun exposure in the treatment area will need to be avoided for 6 weeks before and after each treatment session. Side effects may include temporary skin redness and mild sun burn sensation. Any skin peeling heals in a few days. Your practitioner will review your medical history at your appointment.

Typically, there is no downtime after a laser treatments. With a few exceptions, you’re able to return to normal activities following treatment. Initially, the treated area may have mild redness and slight inflammation, but this will diminish over the first couple of hours. Detailed post-procedure instructions will be reviewed after your service.

Before and Afters