
If you are noticing fine lines, wrinkles, and volume loss, Sculptra can help you achieve long-lasting correction! As we age our body’s collagen production decreases. If fact, we start to lose about 1% of collagen per year starting at age 18. Age related collagen loss weakens the skins structure, reducing its ability to maintain elasticity and moisture. Gradually, skin loses it’s youthful bounce, leading to lines, wrinkles and folds, as well as a loss of skin volume and support. Sculptra can help!

Sculptra is safe and effective for all skin types and can provide dramatic facial rejuvenation. It is an FDA-approved injectable medication that helps gradually replace lost collagen—the most common protein in the body that is used to form a framework to support cells and tissue. It is a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) and works in the dermis of the skin to help the body produce it’s own natural collagen, which can help restore volume loss, decreases the looks of fine lines and wrinkles and improves skin quality. Results appear gradually and can last up to 2 years. Sculptra provides natural looking results and a more youthful appearance, it’s no wonder why we LOVE this product!

It also works well with our Virtue RF Microneedling, for ultimate collagen stimulation!

Contraindications for Sculptra:

You should not receive Sculptra if you have had an adverse reaction previously or if you are pregnant or nursing, have an allergy to lidocaine, have an autoimmune disease, have a bleeding disorders, active infection, or scarring in the treatment area, have a history of keloid scarring, currently on antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy.

Appointment Planning:

Before getting Sculptra, you will want to avoid taking medications such as aspirin, Ibuprofen, naproxen, fish oil, Ginko Biloba, and St. Johns Wart as these can increase the risk for bleeding and bruising at the treated site(s). Please let your practitioner know what medications and supplements you are taking. Let us know if you have a history of cold sores and are planning treatments in/around the lip area and we can provide a prophylactic antiviral. Your provider will go through your medical history at your appointment.

There is little to no downtime for our aesthetic procedures, but you may have some bruising and swelling for several days to a week after treatment. Makeup will need to be removed for aesthetic treatments and in most cases will need to be avoided for 1-2 days after treatment. Please keep this in mind as you plan treatments prior to events or trips. Detailed post-procedure instructions will be provided after your service.